08023314356, 08033122112 | info@magdonic.com

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Order Placement

You are very free to order online or offline via any of our available channels like:

  • Visiting any of our outlets/shops
  • Using Phone Communications/WhatsApp via our Hotlines on 08023314356, 08033122112
  • Using our website, www.magdonic.com or any other online channels of Magdonic Nigeria Limited.

For easy Order Tracking by you and for us to serve you better; we recommend that you place your orders online via our newly designed ecommerce website at www.magdonic.com by doing the following:

  1. Login to your account before placing order Or Create an account via SignUp if this is the first time you are using this platform 
  2. Browse the product of your choice and Add to Cart
  3. Continue with Checkout to submit your Order or Request A Quote as the case may be
  4. Select the Shipping Method you prefer
  5. *Pick one from the listed available Payment methods (which are Cash/POS On Delivery or Direct Deposit/Bank Transfer or Online Payment) if shown based on your selected product. NOTE: Products without price will not show payment method but rather request a quote button
  6. Then proceed to make payment using any of our Accepted Payment Methods 

Accepted Payment Methods

After placing your order online or offline via any of our availble channels, you are very free to use any one of the below method to pay Magdonic Nigeria Limited for your purchase.

A. Cash/POS On Delivery

This allows you to pay at your door/office step when your order arrives, you can physically review it and then pay using Cash or POS Machine.

NOTE: For cash payment, be sure to have the exact amount for payment as our delivery men do not carry petty cash.

B. Bank Transfer

  1. After order placement, you will be required to either make a direct deposit or a bank transfer to any of the below Bank Accounts:


              Ecobank Ltd – 5700040834

              Access Bank PLC – 1601104137
  2. Send payment notification to Magdonic Sales Team via any of the below means:

              Email: sales@magdonic.com

              Phone Call/SMS/WhatsApp:  08023314356, 08033122112

C. Online Payment (Coming soon!)

Using this option during checkout will allow you to pay Magdonic online through secure and trusted payment gateway using any Naira Debit/ATM Card (Mastercard, Verve, Visa) 

IMPORTANT NOTICE for Online Payment

  • We only accept Nigerian Naira and Local Credit Cards including VISA and MasterCard. 
  • Delivery for Online Payment orders take 1 – 2 days based on how soon the payment is confirmed and cleared.
  •  Delivery is made within 24-hours after payment confirmation 

Delivery/Shipping Method

During order placement with Magdonic Nigeria Limited, you are at liberty to use any of the available shipping methods below:

  • Self Pick-Up by you from any of Magdonic outlet/shop
  • Magdonic Delivery by our delivery men to your home/office based on your shipping address
  • Third-party Delivery Company (recommended delivery method for Inter-State and International customers)

Getting Started With MAGDONIC On Your Next Purchase?

Browse online to shop for your desired products by clicking Shop Online OR

Send to our sales experts your Procurement requirements to achieve a 100% Satisfaction on your purchase by Sending A Message.